End-of-degree projects
about Final Degree Projects of the University of León
Procedure for registration and deposit
on Final Degree Projects of the University of León
The TFG registration cycle consists of the following steps (they can also be viewed from the Documentation tab in the TFG management application):
The student must make an online pre-registration of the TFG in one of the two periods foreseen(October, March and July), where he/she will reflect the subject and tutor’s data. Once the topic has been validated, the development of the TFG can begin. See section on Pre-registration Forms and Dates.
2.- Once the student has registered for the TFG, he/she must request the deposit of the TFG through https://tfg.unileon.es
3.- The TFG committee rejects, modifies or approves the application.
4.- If the application is accepted, the student deposits the PDF and annexes of his/her TFG (the format of the document must be respected ).
5.- The guardian or guardians approve or reject the deposit.
6.- When the tutor or tutors approve the deposit, the TFG committee assigns a tribunal for the defense of the same.
7.- The secretary’s office assigns date, place and time for the defense of the TFG.
8.- The calls for the public defense are published on the School’s website.
9.- Public defense.