The registration of the TFG/TFM entails the right to take TWO of the three scheduled examinations (February, July and September).

To be eligible for the FEBRUARY call, all those who meet the essential requirement of having passed the rest of the subjects that make up the study plan, must be requested in advance by writing to the Director of the School, or by e-mail to this Secretariat, from February 22 to 26, 2021. Only those papers whose subject matter has been previously approved will be defended.

The deadline to formalize the deposit through the platform will be from February 27 to March 2 inclusive and the defense will be held on March 10, 11 and 12.

Planned schedule:

REGISTRATION: from February 22 to 26, 2021

DEPOSIT: From February 27 to March 2

DEFENSE: March 10 to 12